Getting Used to Your Permanent Dentures
There’s a list of common disadvantages of traditional dentures. The oft-mentioned disadvantage is that they could easily slip and fall out while eating or speaking. Another complaint is a condition
Living without a strong set of teeth is, at best, an unpleasant experience. Broken and missing ones greatly impact the way you eat, speak and relate to others. It also affects your facial aesthetics in addition to harming the overall quality of your smile.
Regardless if you need partial or complete dentures, we can help you attain a beautiful smile again so you can continue to enjoy your active lifestyle. Continue reading to understand everything you may want to know about this subject.
Full Dentures, which are also known as complete dentures, are the most commonly used when most or all of the teeth in each jaw need to be replaced. With few natural ones remaining they also need to be removed to ensure there is enough space in your mouth to accommodate the denture.
They consist of a set of false teeth — generally 14 on a gum-colored acrylic base which is customized to fit snugly on your gums. The objective is to cover the palate and the gums and therefore the fitting becomes extremely important. This is because of a couple of reasons — the denture shouldn’t cause any irritation to your mouth and they also need to remain in place because of the suction.
Preparing for the process requires the specialist to remove any existing teeth. Before the extraction, impressions are taken to be sent to the lab, accompanied by color specifications. Once they are received from the lab, the patient will try them on so that he can make any adjustments needed to ensure a perfect fit.
These types of dental additions are generally associated with aging, as teeth will begin to hurt and cause issues. However, the fact remains that the need for artificial teeth options is bred from the overall condition.
Oral health is likely to play a role and a mirror image of your overall oral hygiene and therefore you need to ensure that you follow all of the specialist’s recommendations for maintaining good oral health. Moreover, the quality of bone may have deteriorated and could be one of the factors which determine that additional procedures are required. Some of these are:
This is a therapy in which the re-contouring of your jaw bone is undertaken to ensure that the bearing area for the fixture is appropriately rounded to provide maximum surface area for enhancing the overall retention.
Bone grafting is a procedure wherein healthy bone is taken from other bones in your body such as ribs, hips, or legs. The bone is then transplanted in the jaw to have enough density to anchor the implants. This surgery normally doesn’t cause pain during and after the procedure. The patient has to wait for the healing period (approximately 2 weeks to 2 months) to end before proceeding with the dental implant surgery.
While not overly difficult, it is still extremely important that you properly care for your new set. Complete sets are intended to be removed. They should always be removed for cleaning after eating before being put back in again. They should be stored separately in water or a special solution during the night. Failure to do so could cause the denture to dry up and even warp.
When this happens, it makes them ill-fitting and painful to wear. As they don’t have roots, as implants do, the bone around the empty tooth sockets is likely to dissolve away. This process is known as resorption and causes the gums to shrink, resulting in the piece needing a relining to ensure a proper fit. If taken care of properly, full sets can last for approximately seven years.
With dentures you can expect a few drawbacks, namely the need to have them relined to prevent a loose fit. Also, although they are made from durable materials and should not fall out, occasionally, due to an improper bite or damage to the device, a tooth could loosen and fall out or need to be repaired.
One of the biggest challenges that come with missing teeth is gum shrinkage. When the natural ones are gone, the gums will begin to shrink. The shrinkage could go to about fifty percent of the original gums. This can be problematic when you are wearing dentures. As you continue to wear them, you’ll find that they may not fit as well as they were before. The adhesive doesn’t work as well as before. They slip when you talk or chew, and sometimes it falls entirely out of your mouth. When this happens, visit your specialist and have them relined. Furthermore, you should also keep in mind that excessive usage of denture adhesive will lead to
zinc toxicity.
This is an important consideration to discuss with your dentist. Let us take a look at the few available different types.
It is rather common for patients to hate the overall idea of having their teeth pulled. In reality, you can have dentures without extracting the healthy ones. This is something to discuss beforehand. Such ones will be given root canal therapy to prevent any potential infections or inflammations.
Full sets which are carried by implants are commonly referred to as an all-on-4. These are the closest that one can get to having natural teeth. This is an option you may want to consider because instead of having fixed implant-supported dentures you also have the choice of those which come with snaps that allow you to move them and to put them on as you wish.
A one-piece denture without a roof plate is popularly referred to as a “snap-on denture”. They consist of a complete set with a removable base that can be snapped onto four or five different implants. This is suitable for those who are missing all of their natural ones but still have sufficient bone to support the implants. We will go over each treatment to help you understand the kind of options best suited to your needs.
The price for full dentures is estimated to be $2,000 and $20,000 per Arch. This will depend on the kind of material used as well as if the dentures are customized. An affordable price for a complete upper – lower teeth set ranges from $600 to $1200 while a mid-range complete denture normally costs about $1,000 – $3,000 per Arch. On the other hand, premium complete dentures cost approximately $4,000 to $8,000 per Arch. If you have a dental insurance plan, it may help lessen the total expenses.
We at Highland Oak Dental are committed to providing only the best dental care experience in the community of Frisco. We ensure that our patients are comfortable during their visit to our office and come out satisfied with the results.
We are knowledgeable in our practices and proficient in performing them. Our caring team is excited to meet and help you in achieving your dental goals. Give us a call and set up an appointment with us now to know more about the dentures we provide, their costs as well as the other treatments we offer.
Let us care for your dental needs and offer you a new set of durable and comfortable dentures. Our office is in Frisco, TX, just minutes from The Colony and close to Prosper.
Give us a call if you have any questions or concerns about the best dental options, treatment, and prices and we will be happy to help you out. Make an Appointment!
Yes, this procedure is called Immediate Dentures. Teeth impressions are usually created at least one month before the extraction. Patients do not need to worry about having missing teeth while healing after teeth removal because dentures are immediately placed on the same day.
Nevertheless, necessary relining or readjustments are performed when the gums and jawbone recover.
Generally, the cost of a complete set of dentures is estimated to be around $2,000 and $20,000, inclusive of the upper or lower arches, tooth extraction costs, and other preparation expenses. The price, however, will still depend on the kind of material used as well as if the dentures are customized.
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Dr. Gadhiya is highly educated and experienced in providing dental care. He provides the dental care you and your family need to reach healthy smiles. Read more about our Team.
There’s a list of common disadvantages of traditional dentures. The oft-mentioned disadvantage is that they could easily slip and fall out while eating or speaking. Another complaint is a condition
Dentures can be worn throughout the day and the wearer can remove them easily. Unlike dental implants, they don’t require any invasive surgeries. While they are convenient and functional, however,
In the past, removable full mouth or partial dentures have been the standard option for replacement of missing natural teeth. However, in the dawn of new technology, dental implants are
At Highland Oak Dental, our vision is to establish a trusted dental practice renowned for exceptional care, rooted in quality, compassion, and a comprehensive approach.